Soliton Laboratory

Research in Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics

One-dimensional dynamics of magnetic inhomogeneities in a three- and five-layer ferromagnetic structure with different values of the magnetic parameters

Gumerov A.M.
Ekomasov E.G.
Kudryavtsev R.V.
The article presents the research results of localized magnetization waves dynamics in five-layer and three-layer ferromagnetic structures. Structures consisting of three or two wide identical magnetic layers separated by two or one thin magnetic layer with the magnetic parameters values changed relative to wide layers are considered. The magnetic anisotropy, exchange, and damping parameters are considered to be the functions of the coordinate perpendicular to the interfaces. Intermediate layers are assumed to be infinitely thin. The considered magnetic material has homogeneous magnetic parameters everywhere, except for the planes corresponding to the interlayers. Using the approximate collective-coordinate method, the dynamics of coupled nonlinear magnetization waves localized on thin layers is theoretically studied.
Название издания: 
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
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